Again I was up early as I needed to sort out and parcel up all my items to post. There were some added items as I needed to pack the trophy plaques and cans from last year’s attendees from Australia. The club did not have enough trophies to cover everyone last year and also the can that was not made then was available for pick up this year. I had by the time I finished three parcels of Clothes, Cans, Pringles chips containers, paperwork, glasses, books etc.
By this time it was opening time for the final day of the official Canvention floor trading in the Convention Center. I made my way over and I had duty on the Rusty Bunch table at 9.00am. When I got there the table had to be set up, so I started on that and was half done by the time others arrived to help at the table. We had a good hour with people joining up to the chapter, people renewing memberships, selling shirts and raffle tickets.
After my hour was up I was able to borrow a wheeled trolley from one of the members and went back across to the hotel to get my parcels to post. It was very hot at this time and I went to the valet parking area and asked him to get me a taxi. I would have been a mess if I tried to walk the distance to the post office.
There was no queue at the post office and I had prefilled in all the forms required so I was straight into weighing the parcels and the lady was quick processing them. She mentioned that she had done some earlier that morning to Australia, I am sure that would either have been Ray or Barry. The three parcels to post cost just over $400, which is a very expensive cost. They do not offer sea mail anymore and everything has to go Airmail rates.
I did walk back to the venue from the post office unloaded of my boxes it was still very hot and humid but I kept to the shady side of the street and I got back in one piece but needed to sit down and cool off in the air-conditioning of the venue. After returning the trolley to its owner I had to go back to my room as I had left my name badge there and I could not get into the venue without it.
Once again back at the venue I had some lunch and did a final lap of the venue taking some photos and looking for last minute bargains, which unfortunately I could not find. By this time it was time to draw a couple of the chapter raffles and during the drawing of the Rusty Bunch raffle I had my ticket pulled out and I won a Sierra Beer Cone Top beer can which will be a great addition to my collection.
That done it was time for the trade floor to close and another years fun is coming to an end. I finally got rid of the tent, sleeping bag, cooler, tarp etc, to Chris as we helped load his wagon with some of the Rusty Bunch gear we had left over from the trade table. We loaded the rest of the gear in Gary’s car and the Canvention trade floor closed soon after.
It was then back to the hotel where I stopped at the bar and got a glass of coke. It was the first time I had done this the whole week I was there and only then found out you only pay for the first soda and then they refill the glass for free. What a waste of a week’s soda or perhaps it was better because I mainly drank water.
Following the few glasses of drink and some chat with some of the other collectors I went to the laundry room and did a final wash and dry of the clothes before starting to pack for my trip over to England.
It was then time to get ready for the Canvention banquet that is held on the Saturday night of the show as a farewell event.
There were about 400 people at the banquet and it was a good night. There was a nice dinner and desert and free beer and soda for all. Harder drinks were available at a cost. The outgoing president said a few words and handed over the presidential gavel to the new president.
Following this some awards were presented to the display winners and some presentations to others plus the drawing of a major raffle that was being conducted over the past few months. I had bought some tickets but they were just a donation to the club as I did not win anything.
At the end of the official part of the function I moved around saying goodbye to all i knew before making an exit because I had an early start in the morning off to the airport. It was only about 11pm by the time it was lights out in the room.
What a trip in the USA I was looked after by so many people and had such a great time meeting people again and also meeting some great new friends during the 25 days I was here.
Lets hope the rest of my trip goes as well.
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